Sunday, August 17, 2014

Setting the Mood

I love to decorate, but decorating for a middle school bunch is hard!

My first year of teaching I had five different preps, and I wasn't hired until two weeks before school started. I spent my time cleaning up and out the last teacher's belongings. There wasn't any time to make the room mine! The second year of teaching I moved classrooms. The new classroom had a bigger room, better view, and tables! (I am NOT a desk fan.) I spent my time moving tons of stuff back and forth across the school. Again - no time to make the room my own!

This year is different! I'm teaching in the same room at the same school, and I am excited! I have more mature posters (not little fishes with bubbles in bright colors talking about parts of speech), colors, bean bag reading area, and chevron washi tap!

The classroom came with the giant red curtains and blue cabinets. I can't get rid of the blue cabinets and living in the south - heavy curtains to keep out heat is a God send! So my classroom colors are red and blue. No choice. Theme: mature Cat in the Hat (without letting my students know!).

I have very strong beliefs in being responsible for oneself and taking charge of your own future. If you can not stand up for yourself, you can not rely on others to do it for you. My door poster sums up my feels in one place. I love my students, but I want to make sure they are ready for life! I can only protect them for one year. We are the dolphins, so naturally - the door hanger just fits!

Last year I had a Mark Twain floor runner - this year is Shakespeare. The students seem to love a poster stuck to the floor. (No lie - I do too!) It just makes coming in more fun. 

My classroom has two white boards, a Promethean board, and a bulletin board. My bulletin board contains all the class information (schedule, lunch menu, rules/requirements, flyers, and overdue library book list). My front white board is split into two sections by the Promethean board. The right side (smaller) holds our daily agenda with objectives. The left side I use during class time. Above my Promethean board I keep our Essential Question(s) posted throughout each PBL. The white boards are outlined with red washi tape. Due to my blue cabinets and large red curtains, my room colors are red and blue.

My second white board is the central location for all Yearbook and Newspaper information. Both staffs have a large calendar to keep track of events and who is responsible for what - as well as deadlines and goals. The yearbook calendar is outlined with camera designed washi tape!

Right inside my door is the main station for students. I use a photo frame as my Weekly Agenda. Here students can see the entire week and anything they may have missed. I have two purple tubs for lost/found. This is where I keep pencils/paper I find too. Students check here for supplies they forgot to bring! This 10 colored drawer organizer rolling cart is my in/out box. Each period is assigned a color. The top box is where they turn work in, and the second box is where I put graded work that needs to be handed out. It's easy to roll over to my desk for grading too! On top of the cart is my tardy and detention binder. Students sign in if they are tardy then leave any notes in the binder pocket - easy entry - no disruption!

I'm so happy! I painted my bookcase, and the black looks so much better! I try to have new, trendy books in class for students to read and borrow. Even though I teach middle school, these kiddos love a good reading corner. I refilled the beanbags with fresh beans and made a tree. I hope they enjoy it!

This is MY area! When I say 'My' area - I mean it! It is set up so students have no reason to be behind my desk. There are too many horror stories and important things missing from a teacher's desk, so I put myself in the corner and made my teacher area. I also painted the filing cabinet with chalkboard spray paint - now it matches the desk and bookcase.

{Picture Coming Soon}

No matter how many times you say "don't forget your name," someone will - always - forget their name. This is my "No Name" board. I pin all no names here. Whenever I do not receive an assignment (absent, no name, no effort), I automatically put a zero into our online grade book. Students know to always check the no name board if they received a zero but did the assignment. These papers are throw away at the end of each quarter.

{Picture Coming Soon}

Thankfully, last year I was able to order posters that did not have an elementary feel to them. My students genuinely seemed to enjoy being in a classroom that felt 'older.' I preach all the time about preparing for high school, so it's high time I started making them feel like high schoolers!

{Picture Coming Soon}

I am beyond excited to start the 2014-2015 school year. I feel organized and ready for my students. Three cheers to a rocking' new year!  

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