Friday, August 8, 2014

Educator on the Loose

    I have finished my second year teaching and what a two years it has been! I have learned so much. I have had so much to learn. I have so many wonderful memories. I have so many memories to look forward to enjoying! I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in the fourth grade, and every day in my classroom I am reminded that I am where I want to be, need to be, and am suppose to be!

     Teaching is a calling. It has to be something you really want to do, everyday will be torture. I can gratefully say - I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. 

    I started this blog well over a year ago. My plan was to use it to track my progress, share projects and ideas, and build - but I'm the new gal. The one who doesn't say no and (apparently) can do everything. Between teaching two Language Arts blocks, advising yearbook, advising newspaper, being in charge of school websites and social media and being the school STC (school technology coach) plus providing after school tutoring and teacher training - this blog never even crossed my mind. (I'm also a single mom of an active soon to be third grader who plays soccer, is active in our church, and involved in scouts (I'm also assistant den leader).) It's a mouthful! But I enjoy all of it, and I'm not willing to give anything up! 

    Enough about me! What is this blog for? Why are you reading it? What will I do here? What's the point?!

     Goals. Goals are important. If you don't have goals, what are you doing?! Where are you going?! How are you going to achieve those goals? Goals = Progress. I want progress in my career - for me and for my students. 

I have 3 goals for this blog:
1. Archive my class going ons at least once a week. 
2. Use the blog to reflect on PBLs. 
3. After six months of good blogging, share it! (What's the point of a blog if others can't use it?)
Teacher's go back on Monday. I'm excited to see what year three holds!

I teach 8th grade Language Arts in South Alabama. We are a 1:1 county - each student is provided a MacBook to take home with them each day. Each student is also provided with a Rosetta Stone account for a language of their choosing. I also teach yearbook and newspaper. I run both of these electives as student centered/student ran rooms. I over see operations and grading, but everything they produce and publish is done by the staff. My ELA classroom is a PBL centered classroom. This will be my first year with a true PBL, student centered classroom. 

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