Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Made It

I "made" my classroom ready for students. That counts as a Monday made it … right?

I used Donor's Choose to get these stability balls for my classroom last year. They have been ah-mazing. The students love to sit on them, and they have to keep their behavior in check and complete their work to keep the privilege to sit on them. It's a win-win all the way around. They increase focus, build better posture, and help keep the "wiggles" under control. 

The only downside is they do need to be blown up again occasionally which can take some time. It took 4+ hours to re-inflate them after the summer break. Thankfully - the students who love to sit on them also love to inflate them!

Do you use any "outside of the chair" seating in your classroom? Please share!

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