Sunday, August 9, 2015

Encouraging Scripture

I have been blessed with a gift of teaching. I bask in God's grace daily with the joy this gift and career brings me. From students who challenge me and warm my heart to colleagues who inspire and encourage me, I am surrounded by glory daily.

There are also many other gifts God has blessed upon me that I feel help in creating a strong, focused, and engaged classroom for both my students and myself: organization, communication, and the ability to adapt. I do my best to pull from any and all gifts and build upon those gifts to reach my full potential and teach in proportion to my faith.

On the flip side of having gifts, there are many gifts I do not posses: patience, counseling, and memory. I do my best to find ways to counteract these short comings, but I recognize these weaknesses. Recognizing areas that need growth and reflecting how you work within those areas is the best way to grow! I lean on others to help me with patience and counseling as needed in my classroom, and I am always using technology and planners to help me remember things!

While we can see our own gifts and short comings, it is vital that we help our students see their gifts and short comings as well. Students need to be told that they matter and have purpose! They also need guidance on building on their weaknesses to improve.

How can you help your students find their gifts this school year? What can you use from your gifts to improve your classroom?

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