Monday, July 13, 2015

Classroom Improvements 2015-2016

Each summer I work to improve and update my classroom. I've never felt that my classroom was "wrong," but there are always ways to increase student engagement and develop organization in your classroom. You can checkout my 2014-2015 classroom under the classroom tab above. I will update my classroom after my classroom is set up again!

There are a few question I ask myself (and my students) when I am planning my classroom redo:

  1. What did my students enjoy?
  2. What did my students not interact with?
  3. What problems arose in my classroom this year?
  4. What fun ideas have I found on Pinterest?
  5. Is there a goal I'd like my students to reach during the next school year?
Here are my answers for the 2015-2016 Classroom Plan:

1. My students enjoyed the reading corner with beanbags, the timeline and they enjoyed the graffiti wall we used while reading Uglies.

At the start of last year, I had a reading corner with bean bags and a tree created in the corner. My 8th graders loved the beanbags, but the tore up the tree by the end of first quarter. I will be keeping the corner, but using inspirational quotes to decorate the area instead of a tree. Each year I've taught, I have kept a running timeline around the top of my room. We always cover at least two walls! I update it at the end of each month with photos and comments about what we have covered, field trips taken, and ideas we've shared. 

The graffiti wall was something I saw on Pinterest from Katie's blog. It was such an engaging activity! Each time a student found something in Uglies that brought something to mind - they wrote it on the wall (black sheet of butcher paper hung on the wall). It could be something they felt foreshadowed something that might happen, something with positive or negative connotation, something they connected with in their real life - anything the student felt was important! It added to conversations and discussions on the novel and had a strong impact on how they remembered and connected with the story. 

2. My students did not interact with my Info Board.

I have one small bulletin board in my classroom. I have been using this board for school/class information: schedule, uniform policy, lunch menu, upcoming events, ETC. The only thing the students actually look at is the lunch menu. This year, I am going to post this general information on the wall behind my door and using the bulletin board for exit slips.

3. Problems: Students randomly grabbing (and taking) books from the bookshelf, trash inside the tables, and missing exit slips.

I am building my classroom library, and I love to see my students reading! Unfortunately, students have been taking a book from my library when they are finished with work and randomly flipping through it instead of reading. When class ends, they put the book in the book bag, inside my tables, or on the floor - rarely back on the shelf. Since my students are required to have a book to read at all times, this year I am going to put a sign in/out log at the book shelf. Students will only be allowed to go to the shelf if they would like a book to completely read or have finished the book they had. I will ban picking one up because they forgot to bring their book to school or did not check one out on library day. 

I love, love, love my tables! They bring students closer together and work wonders for grouping. Unfortunately, my tables also come with a hole in the top middle for cords to go down and a tray underneath to run the cords out the side of the table. My students have a bad habit of putting trash, crumpled paper, and their belongings inside the table. Talk about aggravating! This year I am attaching boxes over the holes to hold classroom supplies and cover the holes! I'm so excited about this new addition. 

Sadly, I have numerous students who refuse to complete exit slips and will just leave the classroom. I'm busy collecting those being turned in, and I often miss those who slip out the door. This year I am going to turn my small bulletin board into an exit slip board. Each student will have a specific thumb tack to put their exit slip under. I will be able to glance and see who should and who should not leave my room.

4. Pinterest ideas: Cute red/white/blue nautical theme, meme rules, early finishers poster, and boggle.

Pinterest ideas are always fun! I have heavy red curtains that I love and blue cabinets I can not change. I've been searching for a theme that would tie these two colors together and not be too 'childish.' I'm excited to have found a fun nautical theme! 

5. As a staff, we have decided we would like to see our students take more accountability for missing/unattempted school work.

Our elementary school has a no zero policy that allows students a great deal of time to turn in late work. Our high school has a no late work policy that requires students to turn in their work the day it is due. As the middle school, we have to take the students from what they are used to and prepare them for what is to come. This year I am going to implement a missing work binder. Students will sign if they did not complete an assignment, and I will assign the time which the student will show up to complete the work. This will be a structured system moving through break detention, working lunch, and before/after school detention.

I'm thrilled to have plans for the next school year, and I look forward to seeing how they improve my classroom! What are you changing this year? What goal do you want it to accomplish? Share!

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