Friday, May 29, 2015

My Goals for the Summer!

I know I'm a little late in the week, but I'm linking up with I Heart Grade 3 for Summer Goals!

I am working on my MA in Gifted/Talented (which I will finish in December - YAY). Part of the degree requires that you teach at a Gifted/Talented Summer Enrichment Workshop (SEW). It's basically a half day summer camp for gifted students within the school system where the university is located. Up until this point, I've been completing this degree through a blended program - part online and part Saturdays on campus. I live five hours from campus! I move Sunday to live on campus for the next four weeks. (YIKES) Thankfully, my son gets to come with me and attend the camp!

Each teacher designs a unit around a particular theme. My theme is Medieval Times! I'm very excited about this opportunity,  but I'm also extremely nervous! My BA is in Secondary Education, but my MA is a K-12 degree. I have to teach two classes: a Kindergarten-1st Grade class and a 2nd Grade-3rd Grade. I've  never taught this young before!

Check back throughout June! I'll post to the blog about this experience too.

I take COMPS for my MA the first week of July. These are timed essays. I've never had to complete times essays to this extent before! Especially without notes or knowledge of the specific questions! It's very nerve racking.

I fell IN LOVE with I'm Lovin' Lit's Interactive Notebooks on TPT! I bought Reading Literature, Reading Informational Text, Writing, and Grammar! My Genius Hour project while my students completed their projects was to put these notebooks together. I didn't finish all of them, so my goal is to finish them this summer!

This past August my best friend moved to Pennsylvania! That is where she's grew up, but I miss her terribly! I'm so, so, so excited to be going to see her at the end of July! We're also going to take a trip to New York City. I love travel, new places, and my best friend! Win - Win - Win

My last goal is to REST. These last few months have been a whirlwind dealing with the loss of my soulmate. My son and I have definitely over scheduled ourselves recently to stay busy. The next month will be pretty busy with SEW and two other MA classes, but we look forward to resting in July and enjoying family time.

What about your? What are your summer goals?

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